10 reasons why you should attend the HAZEX conference
HAZEX conferences organized by us about explosion and process safety in industry are very popular. We have five unforgettable editions behind us and now it’s time for another one. We already know the date of the 6th International HAZEX Conference which will take place on 20-21 September this year. We warmly invite you!
The main topic of the meeting will be explosive and process safety at plants using dangerous gases and liquids. You are not sure if this event is for you? Below we list 10 reasons why you should take part in the HAZEX conference, and at the end we will show you how to book a place at a lower price.

1. Only content-related presentations
During the two-day series of lectures Polish and foreign experts will share their knowledge with the audience. They have often been involved in the explosive and process safety industry for many years. In their speeches they will address not only legal issues but will also focus to a large extent on the transfer of practical knowledge confirmed by the presented case studies. The high quality of the lectures is confirmed by our research – as many as 96% of participants assess the level of lectures as high or very high. We believe that valuable knowledge cannot be passed in 15 minutes, which is why our lectures, as opposed to most of the conferences, last between 35 and 45 minutes.

2. You will ask questions that bother you and we will solve your problems
After each lecture you will have the opportunity to ask questions. We always try to ensure that none of them is left unanswered. We want to help participants solve the problems they encounter on a daily basis in the establishments where they work. In addition, speakers will be available to you during a common dinner. You will have an opportunity to talk to them in a relaxed atmosphere.

3. You will exchange experiences with colleagues in the same line of work
The conference is a perfect place to meet people associated with the industry. Both during the discussion after each lecture and in the backstage, you will be able to share your insights with others and make interesting contacts.
Between 150 and 200 people participate in our conferences. The participants of the previous editions included representatives of such companies as ABB, 3M, ADAMED, Amec Foster Wheeler Energia, Benda-Lutz, Carlsberg, CIECH, EDF, FLUOR, Grupa Azoty, HASCO-LEK, Hempel, Hestia Loss Control, LOTOS, Mondi, NITROERG, OLPP, PCC Rokita, Pfeifer & Langen, PGE, PKN Orlen, PZU, Synthos, Texas A&M University in Qatar, UDT, Whirlpool and many others.

4. You will take part in a unique live explosion show
Rest is equally important as work – the conference participants will have an opportunity to “take a breather” during a trip to a nearby firing ground. One of the key elements of the HAZEX conference is the demonstration of explosions and effective explosion protection means. During an hour-long show, supported by an expert’s commentary, you will learn what kind of risks are posed by relatively small amounts of gases and dusts that are commonly used in industry. You will see dust explosions in the open space and in a container protected by various techniques (explosion suppression, explosion relief, explosion decoupling). You will discern the effectiveness and principles of operation of individual explosion-proof systems.

5. You will sit down with other participants to a gala dinner with additional attractions
The first day of lectures and discussions will culminate in a dinner with various attractions. As they say: All work and no play makes an engineer a dull boy! During the dinner, each of the participants will be able to feel for a moment like Al Capone drinking whisky in one of the big, illuminated casinos. At the entrance to the dinner room, men will be given classic hats, while women will wrap boa shawls around their necks. In this way, you will move to the period of prohibition, when certain products were only sold under the counter. The ‘gangsters’ dinner’ will be full of fun, delicious food and great music. You must be here!

6. You will receive your participant package
On the first day, we will provide you with a participant package, where you will find, among others, a high-quality printed conference catalogue in the form of a book with the possibility of taking notes, a unique WOLFF PREMIUM BEER, the Express Przemysłowy magazine and a couple of surprise presents. After the conference, all presentations will be made available for download electronically. Thereby, you will be able to use them also in the mobile form.

7. You will receive a certificate confirming the acquired knowledge
The HAZEX conference is a training event. To confirm this fact you will receive a personal certificate in an elegant frame, secured with holograms. The certificate will serve as a confirmation of the knowledge you have acquired.

8. You will spend time in a warm atmosphere
You can be sure that will spend the two days of the Conference in a warm atmosphere. Each smile will be returned 🙂 Personalised identifiers with names and surnames as well as company logos make it easier for you to overcome communication barriers.

9. You will visit the magic city of Kraków – extend your stay for the weekend
The opportunity to spend a weekend in the beautiful Royal City of Krakow is certainly an added value of the HAZEX Conference. The event will take place on Thursday and Friday, so why not extend the weekend and go for a walk around the Kraków’s Market Square or Kazimierz?

10. You will feel comfortable
Our anonymous survey indicated that 100% of the participants considered that the organisation of the conference was at a high or very high level. We were delighted to hear that, the more so that we put a lot of effort into the preparation of the conference. We are at your disposal both before and during the conference. We always put first the comfort of participants.
The hotel that we have chosen for the conference venue is easily accessible – close to the A4 motorway and the airport. No problem if you choose to come by train.
Although the conference sessions will be in two languages (Polish and English), all lectures will be translated in real time. No need to worry that you will miss something.
The participation fee covers the participation in all lectures and shows, coffee breaks, lunches and the gala dinner. We can also book accommodation for you at a special price. So you don’t have to worry about anything.