Safety in the Chemical Industry and a Live Show of Explosions and Explosion Protection Systems
On 18-20 April, at Kielce Exhibition & Congress Centre, three events will take place which are extremely important from the point of view of production safety in the chemical industry. GRUPA WOLFF will contribute to each of these events, including the highlight: a demonstration of explosions and effectiveness of explosion protection systems.
1 Zakładowa St., 25-672 Kielce
18-20 April 2016
9:00 – 17:00
International Chemical Safety and Security Fair CHEM-SAFETY-EXPO
under the auspices of the magazine:

“Chemistry Nourishes, Dresses, Builds” – there is certainly some reason in this slogan of the Communist Poland’s times. Chemistry, when wisely used, is by all means very helpful to man. However, apart from the positive contribution to our lives, chemistry carries many risks. These risks precisely will be the subject of the upcoming fair.
Chemical Safety and Security Summit CHEMSS 2016

In April, Kielce will host the most important experts in the field of chemical safety. At the moment, 350 people have confirmed their participation in the event, including visitors from over 40 countries, as well as leading international organizations and companies: OPCW, Grupa Lotos SA, PKN Orlen SA and ABB Sp. z o.o., as well as GRUPA WOLFF.
Also G7 Member States have decided to organize a meeting of chemical safety group in the course of the Global Summit in Kielce.
Demonstration of explosions and effectiveness of individual explosion protection systems
After the great success of the shows of explosions and explosion protections that GRUPA WOLFF had presented for over a year, our engineers decided to expand the test installation. For the new shows, we have applied an air filter with a much larger cubic capacity. In this way, the eyewitnesses will be able to observe even better the force of explosions of the products which are widely used in the industry.
Here is a video demonstration of the first tests with the use of the new apparatus.