On 20th of May 2015, for the first time in the history of Bełchatów Power Station, a meeting on the overall explosion safety in the power industry took place. The initiator as well as the co-organizer of this Science & Technology Symposium was, operating at Bełchatów Power Station, the Employee Association of the Polish Society of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians which had established cooperation with WOLFF GROUP in this regard. The event brought together several dozen listeners from the divisions of PGE GROUP (Polish Energy Group) – the largest, in terms of revenue, company in Poland operating in the power sector, from its subsidiaries, and from the Office of Technical Inspection.
This scientific and technical symposium was accompanied by an unprecedented demonstration of blast force and explosion protection devices. The show reflected real phenomena occurring at the time of dust and vapour explosion. For safety reasons, this part of the symposium was held in a safe distance from the production equipment. 6 tests were carried out during this nearly one-hour demonstration.
“Great interest of the participants as well as numerous questions raised at the symposium prove that, independently of the company, explosion safety is an important factor in the strive to build the highest standards of production safety. Therefore, it is important to constantly increase the awareness of the persons in charge of exploitation and supervision over equipment, facilities and installations subject to explosive atmospheres” – commented later ARTUR LIGĘZA, the Head of the Polish Society of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians at Bełchatów Power Station.
He was supported by Andrzej Wolff, PhD, Eng., the founder of WOLFF GROUP as well as an expert in the industrial explosion safety: “Symposia like this one definitely contribute to the increase of the knowledge on work safety at the industrial facilities. However, in order to be effective, they have to be held systematically. In the last years, PGE GROUP has done a tremendous job to improve the explosion safety at its power plants and CHP plants, and the invitation for our company to organise the symposium simply confirms that company authorities stay on track with their efforts to constantly increase the competences of its staff.”
Given the high interest of PGE GiEK’s (Mining and Conventional Power Generation) employees in explosion safety, the Head of the Employee Association of the Polish Society of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians at Bełchatów Power Station along with WOLFF GROUP are considering the possibility of organising another similarly themed meeting.
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