Fluidal dryers

Fluidized bed dryers are used for drying powders. During blowing with hot air, the bulk material floats to form a fluidized bed. They allow the drying process to be carried out usually in 2 sections at different temperatures and the cooling process in one device in 3 sections.

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We will answer questions about: offer, technical specification, delivery, assembly.

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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

  Designing installations for bulk materials

Depending on the investor’s needs, we are able to provide a single device, as well as design and then build a complete installation for bulk materials. In addition, we design and production dedusting and central vacuum systems (including those for explosive dust).

  Explosion safety

Due to over 25 years of experience in the field of explosion safety, if installation will process flammable or explosive dusts, we are able to make appropriate systems to protect against the effects of an explosion and studies required by law (including explosion risk assessment, determining of explosion hazard zones, explosion protection document).

Do you have any questions?

Donat Czapski Grupa WOLFF zdjecie
DONAT CZAPSKI - I am at your disposal

We will answer questions about: offer, technical specification, delivery, assembly.

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