On 6-7 October, WOLFF GROUP participated in International Trade Fair for Powder & Bulk Solids Technologies, which every year attracts engineers interested in the field of machining and logistics of bulk and mass materials. This was an opportunity for our experts to demonstrate the strength of explosion of dust and liquid vapours, and also to show efficiency of anti-explosion protection (explosion venting, flameless explosion venting and explosion suppression).
Both the WOLFF GROUP stall and the above-mentioned demonstrations attracted a lot of attention from the visitors. For example, the demonstrations only were observed by more than three hundred people, including representatives of the industrial sector and the media.
This year, our stall was focused of explosion safety in industry and technologies used for production of bulky materials (for example technology of sifting and milling of fine materials, as well as dedusting of explosive dusts).
The hallmark of our stall was an exceptional 3D printer made of … Lego blocks. The device was designed and built by Piotr Palczewski – a young Polish engineer, who is currently sponsored by WOLFF GROUP. A lot of attention was also received by beer packages WOLFF PREMIUM BEER.

Coal dust explosion (0.5 kg) in a tank (200 litres) protected with a decompression panel

Coal dust explosion (0.5 kg) in a tank (200 litres) protected with a flameless explosion venting system

Coal dust explosion (0.5 kg) in an open area

Coal dust explosion (0.5 kg) in an open area, suppressed with HRD system

Simulation of liquid or gas vapour explosion in a sewage manhole